ScanFix Xpress v9.0 for .NET - Updated
Upgrading from ScanFix Xpress 7 to ScanFix Xpress 9
User Guide > Getting Started > Upgrading ScanFix Xpress > Upgrading from ScanFix Xpress 7 to ScanFix Xpress 9

This section describes how to upgrade from ScanFix Xpress 7 to ScanFix Xpress 9. While generally you'll be able to replace ScanFix Xpress 7 with ScanFix Xpress 9, there are a few important changes you may need to consider. This section provides information about those changes.

ScanFix Xpress 8


ScanFix Xpress 8 introduced changes to its API as described in this section.

New Classes

New ScanFix Methods

Changed API

Result Classes

ALL the Result Class constructors have been changed to internal. So, the following Results classes cannot be instantiated outside of the ScanFix SDK:


AutoRotateResultsAutoSmoothBackgroundResultsBinarizeResults, BlankPageDetectResults, BlankRectangleDetectResults,

BlobRemovalResults, BorderRemovalResults, BrightnessContrastResultsColorDropResults, CombRemovalResults, DeskewResults, DespeckleResults

DetectColorResultsDilateResults, DotShadingRemovalResultsErodeResultsFilterResultsFlipResultsGetRectangleResultsGraphicLineDetectionResults

GraphicLineRemovalResultsImageDetergentResults, ImageRegistrationResults, InverseTextResults, LineRemovalResultsMirrorResults


SmoothZoomResults, and VirtualBulbResults.

Deprecated API

The following methods are now marked as deprecated and may be removed from a future release of ScanFix Xpress:

If you encounter any porting issues, please contact Support for assistance.

ScanFix Xpress 9

Assembly Changes

Projects must now target .NET Framework 3.5 or later to build with the ScanFix Xpress assembly.

The assembly filename has been renamed from Accusoft.ScanFixXpress7.Net.dll to Accusoft.ScanFixXpress.Net.dll. Project references must be updated to use the new assembly.


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